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Cities driving recovery and growth

Cities driving recovery and growth - cover
May 10, 2021
Report of a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Key Cities on the obstacles and opportunities facing cities in driving recovery and growth as the country emerges from the pandemic.

On 23 March 2021, the Key Cities APPG met to discuss the crucial role of cities up and down the country in helping people and businesses recover from the pandemic and driving economic growth. Chaired by John Stevenson MP, the meeting heard from Homes England chair Peter Freeman, Centre for Progressive Policy director Charlotte Alldritt and Metro Dynamics MD Ben Lucas, as well as Key Cities’ joint portfolio leads for Cities and Towns, Preston City Council Leader Cllr Matthew Brown and BCP Deputy Leader Cllr Philip Broadhead.

This report summarises the discussion, supplemented with follow-up interviews and a set of five recommendations to Government.

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