Medway Council has been awarded £9,800 from Sport England to launch the Sporting Memories Club which will be held at Strood Sports Centre starting in October.
The first hour of the club will be devoted to talking and remembering past sporting events and activities and during the second hour residents will take part in light physical activity.
The club, which is dementia-friendly, aims to make a positive difference in the lives of older residents by providing a welcoming environment where they can develop relationships with people in their local community to help tackle loneliness.
Cllr Howard Doe, Deputy Leader of Medway Council and Portfolio Holder for Community Services, said: “I am pleased that we have been awarded funding from Sport England to launch this new club. We know that through the pandemic many older residents may have been shielding and we hope the Sporting Memories club will encourage them to become more active and reduce loneliness. I would encourage residents to go along to the club when it begins next month to find out more.”