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Key Cities responds to General Election result

Head and shoulders image of Cllr John Merry
Key Cities Newsdesk
July 11, 2024
Key Cities responds to the new administration following the General Election, calling for greater collaboration between central and local government.

Congratulations to the Labour Party on winning the General Election. Key Cities, the cross-party network representing 27 urban areas that cover 10% of the UK’s population, looks forward to jointly delivering on the new Government’s ambition for delivering growth and getting Britain building.

In 2024 Key Cities set out its own manifesto for municipal government, which focused on four key pillars:

  • Fair funding for local government
  • Fixing and properly funding social care
  • Tackling the housing and homelessness crisis
  • Further devolution of powers in key areas such as net zero and culture.


We are highly encouraged by some of the steps already taken since the election, particularly the reinstatement of housebuilding targets, which was also in the Key Cities manifesto. Planning reform to generate more renewable energy and housing is crucial for the delivery of both growth and our country’s net zero commitments.

In these and other areas, a close collaboration between central and local government will determine how successful we are in delivering for local communities and the country at large. If municipal government is fairly resourced and has a clear direction for the biggest issues of our day, from climate to housing, then the UK’s cities can be the engine for growth this country needs.

Cllr John Merry, Chair of Key Cities and Deputy City Mayor, Salford City Council. 

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