Key Cities APPG logo

All-Party Parliamentary Group

Parliament Central Lobby

Developing policy and partnerships

The Key Cities APPG is a cross-party forum of Parliamentarians, City Leaders and Stakeholders engaged in developing policy and engaging with Government on issues affecting liveability and sustainable growth in our key cities.

In a rapidly urbanising world facing challenges and opportunities of digitalisation, community resilience and sustainable development, our towns and cities hold the key to forging a balanced and successful national economy. The UK’s key cities are well placed to help find scaleable solutions for connected urban centres and to address systemic inequalities rooted in changing industry, commerce and trade.

This is not an official feed of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in the webpages are those of the group.

The Officers of the Key Cities APPG are:

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP (Salford) – Chair & Registered Contact
Rebecca Smith MP (SW Devon) – Co-Chair
Steve Race MP (Exeter) – Vice-Chair
Baroness Wilcox of Newport – Vice-Chair

The Programme Director of the APPG, Kasper de Graaf, can be contacted here.
